Welcome to Mindsquare Chess Academy! Online Chess Classes for Kids. Book your Free Trail Session Now!


Ready to take your chess game to the next level? You've come to the right place! Mindsquares offers a range of courses to suit players of all skill levels, from beginners to intermediates.
Our star coach, Raksha Jajoo, will be there to guide you every step of the way. With her FIDE international rating of 1212 and three years of coaching experience, Raksha knows what it takes to help you improve and reach new heights.

Beginner Course

Ready to learn the basics of chess? This course is perfect for you! You'll learn about the different pieces, their moves, their values, and basic strategies to help you get ahead.

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Advance Beginner Course

Already got the basics down? This course is the next step! You'll learn advanced strategies, endgame techniques, and tactics to help you take your game to the next level.

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Intermediate Course

Looking to take your game to the next level? This course is for you! You'll learn advanced tactics, strategies, and endgame techniques to help you become a chess master.

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